It's already been a month...

posted by molly ruppel

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Hello all! Before you become angry at the fact that I haven’t been keeping up with the blog as I promised…let me tell you one thing; I FEEL REALLY GUILTY. I have this problem I will address as “writers block”. I will sit in front of my computer telling myself I NEED to write an entry, just one little entry…and my fingers won’t move. I’ve come to realize (after speaking to my roommate Shilpi about the problem we both share) that I just need to START typing…and the rest will just flow.
            So it’s officially been an entire month since I’ve arrived in Paris. Wait a second…ONE MONTH?! I genuinely tried to listen to everyone when they told me this would be over before I knew it…but honestly-where did the time go? I read over my previous blog posts before I started this one (in case I forgot what a blog was…) and it’s extremely humorous to me how much I’ve adjusted to living here. A month ago, I was a frightened little American in a city I barely knew, dying to get to know the world around me…and now look at me? I truly do believe I have become so comfortable here, and pushing myself into this situation (like I did) was the best route for me. I couldn’t be happier with my time already spent here in Paris.
            Since we last talked, I’ve had SO many experiences. Let me just list a few and try not to bore you; I’ve spent a day on the beaches of Normandy, I’ve climbed up (what felt like) a MILLION stairs of the Arc de Triomphe to witness a beautiful view of the city, I’ve had a picnic in front of the Eiffel Tower with wine, a few baguettes and close friends, I’ve visited the Lourve (for a homework assignment) and Notre Dame, I’ve attempted to make crepes with my roommates (and they weren’t too bad), I’ve taken a field trip to the biggest wine cellar in Europe (and touched a 22,000 euro bottle of wine), I’ve spent hours in Puces de Paris Saint-Ouen (the largest flea market in Paris), we’ve adopted a new roommate (actually, he is a tomato plant) that we named Henri, I’ve been at loss for words when I stepped into the Sainte-Chapelle church, and I have become closer than ever to the people in my program.
            I don’t want to make this blog post extremely long, but I have so much to say. My weekends are already looking really full here, which makes me SO happy. I have already booked my Fall break trip to Italy with my roommate, Cathryn (we will be heading to Rome, Naples, Florence, and then Pisa). We are still in the process of searching for cheap tickets to Dublin and Amsterdam for a few long weekends. I cannot wait until I get to see Emily (even if it’s just for a day) and have Sam be here for 10 days. Being able to show the people who I’m closest to where I’ve disappeared to is going to be absolutely incredible.
            There are still so many places I want to visit, so many things I want to do, and so many experiences that are waiting to be discovered here. I cannot wait to see how the next three months will be. I have put together a few photo collages for you to see, please enjoy! I SWEAR I will do my best at trying to keep blogging my little heart out. Even though I am having the time of my life in Paris, I do miss home at times. Sending love from the city of light!


Puces de Paris Saint-Ouen

The Louvre

Eiffel Tower Picnic

Pere Lachaise Cemetery

Notre Dame
xox, mer :)

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