excessive-blogging problem...

posted by molly ruppel


Instead of having the “writers block” problem I self-diagnosed a few weeks ago…I’m begging to have an “excessive-blogging” problem. Hey, I guess I just switched from one extreme to the other (hopefully for the better). Ever since I downloaded Picasa (sorry, photoshop- you’ll still always be my first love) it’s been SO easy to make collages of my trip. All you have to do is select the photos…and then BAM- it’s placed in a visually pleasing order (which I love). Plus, Picasa has this cool “upload to blogger” button that saves an incredible about of time.
…okay, enough of my Picasa ranting. ANYWAY, if you do not know this already, my parents have been visiting me for the past two weeks here is Paris. In all honesty, it’s been like a breath of fresh air having them here. Being able to invest in those little things I usually take for granted (like napping while having TV on in the background, eating home cooked chicken noodle soup when I’m sick, or having someone to talk to about home) has been so incredible. It was wonderful being able to show them a little of Paris through my eyes & show them what I have grown to know and love in this city. Although I am sad about my dad’s depart (tomorrow), my mom is still here for another week! We have planned a trip to Brussels for Thursday and I can’t wait to see what Belgium has to offer (besides waffles and chocolate).
So I know this entry was a short one, but I just wanted to post two more picture collages (I’m hoping you’re not sick of them already). The first is just a FEW of the Eiffel Tower photographs I have taken since I have been here. Like I said, I could fill up an entire computer hard drive with these pictures. I guess that’s what happens when I have an obsession with Ruby (my camera) and Paris (that breathtaking city I live in-it’s still SO weird saying that). The second collection of photos is what I like to call “Patterns of Paris”. I’ve noticed that my eyes are always open (and constantly looking) for creativity in every form possible (I blame my artistic mother and father for that one). I tend to snap pictures every now and again of the patterns I see in ANY thing (bridges, broken down doors, old pillars, in a cemetery, or in a church)…and to my surprise, they kind of became a cool little collage. I’m sure there will be more patterns of Paris coming soon, so don’t you worry. I think it will be a nice project to look back on at the end of my trip and it helps exercise my creative mind each and every day. I hope you enjoy these photos, because I know I do.
Seeing how often I’ve been posting, I’m sure you will hear from me soon. Miss and love you all. Now, it’s time to explore!

Eiffel Tower Obsession

Patterns of Paris
 xox, mer.


  1. Anonymous

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