UPDATE, finally.

posted by molly ruppel


GOOD NEWS; I am back. BAD NEWS; I will not be back for long. I feel like once I start getting the hang of this thing- I get extremely busy. Yes, this busy-ness I am talking about is school work, traveling throughout Europe, or exploring the streets of Paris…but even if I’m not slaving away writing essays for an art history class, I can still call it “being busy”! Remember when I said I would probably be posting in my blog at wee hours of the morning? …Well, I was right. I am EXHAUSTED. My roommate and I got back last night from a 5-day adventure in Ireland. It was absolutely beautiful and everything I could’ve hoped for. We went hiking on the cliffs and ate seafood in Howth, experienced the beautiful people Dublin has to offer, and made some good friends from all over the world. This tripped marked the beginning of my traveling while I’m abroad. I am almost positive that I have “plans” for every single weekend until I leave this amazing city (which is only SEVEN more weekends). It is absolutely insane to me hearing that come out of my roommate’s mouth (I had to double check after I looked at my calendar because I didn’t believe it). I am definitely planning on making the best of these coming weeks and I cannot wait.
            But enough of my realization freak out, let me tell you what I have been doing since we last talked! I had an amazing time in Brussels with my mom, made a quick overnight trip to Strasbourg and Germany with my school, and I have sat in complete amazement in a room full of Monet and Picasso paintings. I have been to Versailles, the catacombs, and I have paddled (well, I attempted to paddle) in a rowboat on a beautiful lake. I have hiked the cliffs of Ireland, had Kir Royal at Les Deux Magots just as Hemmingway did, and have gotten very little sleep. There are so many other litter adventures I would love to fill you in on, but seeing that it’s now almost 2 in the morning…I should leave that for another time. Of course, I have a few picture collages for you to browse through. I hope you are enjoying Paris (more like Europe) through my eyes.

xox, mer


Museum Adventures!

Catacombs and Rowboats

Strasbourg and Germany




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