one week...

posted by molly ruppel


Hello everyone! Or should I say bonjour? Welcome to my blog called “though my eyes” where you will be able to read about the adventures I have while I’m in the beautiful city of Paris. I thought “through my eyes” was a fitting name since I would like my readers to feel as if they are actually viewing Paris through MY eyes. I promise to keep up with this thing to the best of my abilities and write in it at least once a week. I will try my best to include every trip, thought, emotion, experience, picture (well, not EVERY picture), and detail. Lots and lots of details. I can honestly say this will be my first “blogging” experience and I’m not too sure how this whole thing works, so bear with me. I’m hopeful that I will be able to figure it out once I get going…but until then, you’ll have to accept my apologies. Also, I will admit that there will probably be many grammatical and structural errors in my writing. I’m not trying to write a novel here, ladies and gentlemen. I’ll be a busy college student running around, writing papers, eating baguettes, exploring my new home, and writing my blog entries at wee hours of the morning…what else do you expect?! Now that the little introduction is out of the way…let me fill you in on a few of my thoughts so far.
I am currently sitting on my bed at home trying to find the first thing to write about.  I have so many mixed emotions and so many thoughts to talk about at the moment and my trip hasn’t even STARTED yet! I’m anxious, excited, nervous, curious, happy, sad... it’s truly a bittersweet moment. I have a feeling my brain wont get much time to rest as soon as I hop on that plane and start my adventure. I want my ears and eyes to be open constantly and take in everything I possibly can.
As most of you may know already, I’m not the best at saying goodbyes. I’ll often use phrases like “Okay, see ya soon!” or “Want to hang out?” even when I am halfway across the country from the person I’m talking to. It seems like I have been doing that a lot lately. When I left DePaul in June, it really started to sink in how tough these “goodbyes” would be. It was difficult enough having to leave my amazing roommates/bestfriends (Emily & Arielle), Moose (our insane cat), my extremely close friends, Hoops, and the city I now consider home (my mom doesn’t like that part too much). This past week I had a tough time saying my final goodbye to my wonderful boyfriend, Sam, who has listened to my every worry & concern while still supporting me 150%. Also, I had to leave his family and his friends in Minnesota (who I now consider to be good friends of my own). I suppose I only have my family, friends from Bakersfield, and Betsey (my dog) left on the list. Am I almost done with these dreadful goodbyes? I’m getting emotional just THINKING about it! But enough with the upsetting business…I have ONE WEEK left in Bakersfield and so many things to do!
I have been noticing that every chance I get I will surround myself with French books. No, not books written in French…the ones that teach you crucial phrases you must know while visiting France. My mom and I have recently been listening to French phrases on tape in the car every chance we get (or until we get sick of it & want to throw it out the window). The tape she just recently picked up happens to have catchy songs that seem to get stuck in my head more often than I would like. Thanks to Sam’s new obsession with iTunes podcasts, we have tried to find and listen to French language podcasts when we Skype each other at night. I think the only thing that stuck with us was the phrase, “Excuse me, I do not understand”. How fitting, right?  I’m sure if you haven’t guessed already, I know ZERO French. Okay, that’s not true. I know how to say “hello”, “goodbye”, and Arielle taught me how to say “where is the bathroom” one time. Good thing I’ll be taking a French 101 class. Keep your fingers crossed? And you never know, maybe I’ll be writing ALL of my blogs in French soon… (ha!)
I seem to have every little thing I need for my trip. My visa, passport, and travel documents are all set to go. I've filled out enough paperwork to completely empty out a ballpoint pen. Who knew that preparing to live in a different country for 4 months could be so stressful?  I’ve been extremely blessed with a family who has given me every French phrase book imaginable, maps, journals, and most importantly, my new Canon Rebel T1i that I named Ruby. Sam surprised me with my very own copy of “WOODEN: A LIFETIME OF OBSERVATIONS AND REFLECTIONS ON AND OFF THE COURT” (a book I always wanted to take from him…shh) and my very own Duluth Pack (I think it will be a perfect bag for Ruby)! Kendayl, one of my good friends from school and a travel expert, sent me a going away package a few days ago. After finding out it was sent to the wrong address and retrieving it from the neighbors, I had it in my possession and couldn’t be happier with what was inside. She included the traveling necessities that I may have passed up such as travel sized tissues, a small journal, hand sanitizer, a Paris metro map, a baggage tag, a miniature first aid kit, and most importantly; her advice.  Don’t get me wrong, I am so grateful for having these small things I may have otherwise forgotten…but the best going away gift I can receive are words of wisdom. I truly enjoy hearing tips, stories, or things to remember from the people I love. I promise, I listen very carefully and take this advice to heart. You are more than welcome to send your advice my way :)
Well, now that I’ve written far more than anyone would want to read in one sitting, I’m going to finish this up. I promise I will write at LEAST one more entry before I take off. If you are still reading; THANK YOU. It means the world to me knowing that my friends and family are eager to hear about my journey. Can’t wait to write my next entry (this whole blogging business is kind of fun)!
Written With Love,
            xox, mer :)


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